A little about me!
Hello and Welcome!
I am you're Clairvoyant Psychic and Reader- Mystica Marie. Allow me too help guide you along you're path using my Spirit Guides and my cards in you're journey into the Unknown. The more bumps you know about- the easier it could be for you!
I was raised in the Church of Christ but now belong too a Southern Baptist religion and you find that my readings are very fair and precise, and too the point. I will not tell you what you wish too know. For that wont be very benficial too you would it? I enjoy helping people and one day pray too be able to do this full time.
Disclaimer: If you are in need of serious help, please go too 1-800 crises hotline. They designed for situations like your's. If you're seeking help, please go immediatly too them! |
Upcomming events and Points of Interest!
Here is a Quick refrence you can use when wondering what is new too my site and can use the guide too you're left side of the screen to help guide you threw. Please remember, I am always available to reach you're want's and needs. Updated My spreads that I currently offer goes as follows. For more information, check out my ordering page.
- Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
- Influence of the Elements Spread
- 3 card spread (Past, Present, Future)
*Great way too check me out.
*****I would like my customers to please note one thing. Any Psychic claiming to be 100% accurate is probably not telling the full story. Any one who doesn't admit too humans having free will- is telling a lie. We could be promised anything, but there our own road blocks that we have developed along the way plus obstacles that get in the way. -I will not do spells. (Any spell too inflict harm upon another, or any spell too force another to do something without there acknowledgment is punishment that neither parties involved wants.)
-Any healing questions/Pregnancy questions, Email me, and I will refer you too a Rekki Master/Medium/Psychic who is also my teacher and dear friend.
Hey every one! I'm really excited too announce that my site is NOW OPEN FOR READINGS!!! So lets get down to the nitty gritty and I'll let you know what you need to know from me. -My Deck is the Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck -I have many spreads, but will only charge what i would pay for a reading and for a limted time, i'm doing low prices. -Find me on Keen. I know its not really a trust worthy site and you have too look out to who find on there, but I have a ring of people that i trust with a full heart and mind so please don't rate what you havent seen yet! :) -Prices and Spreads will be listed here, and on the ordering page. If you wish too order, we will set up a payment method. Love, Light and Blessings- Mystica Marie
How you can reach me:
For those of you wanting information on the way I do readings, I will be using the Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck. For more information, click on my Contact page and I'll be glad to take an email from you. *A Note for Free Questions: For people looking for good news on their lives getting better, please be specific in you're question. Everybody's lives get better to a degree. That's a given. What area are you looking for most too get better in will be a big help! **I also do not do spells. So please don't ask. I do light Candles though and can whisper a prayer. But nobody wants the karma that goes with Spell Casting. Thank you in advance!
