Remember- There are no hidden charges with this!
No phone numbers to call.
Nothing at all.
Just an honest answer for what you are looking for.
3 Card Spread
Past, Present, and Future
This is a great way to be able to try me out with. First customers are free.
After that-
I will only charge 2 dollars.
The spread describes itself.
1. Past will confirm what you already know.
2. Present will help shed light on whats
going on around you.
3. Future will help clarify things, or tell you what could happen
in the immediate future.
**Note- on all spreads,
Please tell me what you're def.
of soon is.
Were all different in that respect.
7 Day spread
Tells of the week ahead.
(I love this one. So far- it has been accurate for me
And i feel it will be for you!)
I will charge only
Five Dollars
dollars for this spread.
Influence of the Elements Spread
What could be standing in you're way?
This 5 Card spread could help you figure out
any weak areas that could be contributing to you're life!
I will only charge
Five Dollars
for this spread as well.
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
Do you just want too skip to the chase?
Find out what is ahead of you and know you're doing great
Or what areas you need help in?
This is the one for you!
For only
Fifteen dollars
you get this spread
plus ONE free question on the house.
dollars for 11 cards, isn't bad at all.
I will only offer this for a limited time.
If you buy the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Please give a day's notice so I can be completly prepared and go into meditation for you.
I have no limits on my emails. I will tell you what you need to know without charging extra. This is a flat rate and never will you be charged one extra penny for my services that you didn't buy!!!!